ISO 26000

ISO 26000/2017- Social Responsibility


ISO 26000 is a set of guiding principles for businesses and organizations to use to steer them in a more socially responsible direction. It provides guidance to all types of organizations, regardless of their size or location, on:

  • Definitions, principles, and core issues of social responsibility
  • Social, political, environmental and cultural contexts of social responsibility
  • Best practice guidelines of social responsibility
  • Guidance on how to integrate, implement, and promote socially responsible behaviour both internally and externally
  • Identifying and engaging with stakeholders
  • Defining, implementing, evaluating commitments and performance of social responsibility
  • Distributing other information relating to social responsibility

The Scope of Social Responsibility Certification is to ensure the followings:

  • Understanding an organization’s social responsibility
  • Integrating social responsibility throughout an organization
  • Communications of social responsibility
  • Improving organizational credibility
  • Process for reviewing progress towards social responsibility
  • Improving performance of social responsibility initiatives
  • Evaluating voluntary initiatives for social responsibility

The seven core subjects of ISO 26000

The structure of ISO 26000 is as follows

01 Organizational governance

Decisions are to be made in consideration of the expectations of society. Accountability, transparency, ethics, and stakeholders should be factors in the organization’s decision-making process

04 Environment

The organization has a responsibility to reduce and eliminate unsustainable volumes and patterns of production and consumption and to ensure that resource consumption per person becomes sustainable

07 Community involvement and development

The organization should be involved with creating sustainable social structures where increasing levels of education and well-being can exist.

02 Human rights

All humans have the right to fair treatment and the elimination of discrimination, torture, and exploitation.

05 Fair operating practices

Building systems of fair competition, preventing corruption, encouraging fair competition, and promoting the reliability of fair business practices help to build sustainable social systems.

03 Labor practices

Those working on behalf of the organization are not a commodity. The goal is to prevent unfair competition based on exploitation and abuse.

06Consumer issues,

The promotion of just, sustainable, and equitable economic and social development with respect to consumer health, safety, and access is the organization’s responsibility.


ISO 26000  developed to help organizations effectively assess and address social responsibilities that are relevant and significant to their mission and vision; operations and processes; customers, employees, communities, and other stakeholders; and environmental impact.

Why you need it

  • Help businesses and organizations to address social responsibilities while acknowledging and respecting cultural, societal, environmental, legal and economic differences
  • Offer practical and actionable guidelines to enact principles of social responsibility
  • Focus on and prioritize business performance, including principles of continuous improvement
  • Increase general awareness of social responsibility
  • Attracting and retaining workers, members, and clients
  • Improving brand image and reputation
  • Improving marketing effectiveness and customer engagement
  • Increasing commitment and productivity of employees
  • Improving relationships with stakeholders such as governments, the media, other companies and communities

Let us improve your business!

The above Core subjects comprise a number of issues, Our role is to help our clients to identify issues are relevant and significant to their stakeholders and/or need to be addressed.. then guaranteed ISO 26000 Certificate.!